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Escritura de venda

Description level
Item Item
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1923-01-16 Date is certain to 1923-01-16 Date is certain
Dimension and support
4 pag., papel
Scope and content
1.º outorgante: Manuel Duarte da Fortunata, viúvo, Alexandre Casqueiro e mulher Claudina Fortunata Casqueiro e João Gonçalves dos Reis e mulher Josefa Fortunata dos Reis

2.º outorgante: João da Rosa Mouro, casado

Local: freguesia de Alter do Chão, concelho de Alter do Chão
Access restrictions
Physical location
Original numbering
Liv.200, fl.28v
Language of the material
Alternative form available
https://digitarq.adptg.arquivos.pt/details?id=982769 (imagem 0031)
Creation date
4/28/2021 2:15:27 PM
Last modification
5/4/2021 10:39:11 AM
Record not reviewed.