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Escritura ante-nupcial que entre si fazem o Dr. José da Costa Nery, residente em Lisboa, e D. Maria Luísa de Brito e Castro, residente em Fronteira

Description level
Item Item
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1905-11-18 Date is certain to 1905-11-18 Date is certain
Dimension and support
2 fl.
Material author's name
António Pires Coelho David, notário
Geographic name
Physical location
CNFTR, Cx. 048, liv. 0016, fl. 11 v.º
Original numbering
Livro 49, fl. 11 v.º
Language of the material
Alternative form available
(imagem 0014)
Creation date
3/19/2021 9:50:15 AM
Last modification
4/6/2021 3:27:49 PM