Available services

Empréstimo de capital

Description level
Item Item
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1823-12-09 Date is certain to 1823-12-09 Date is certain
Dimension and support
4 fl.
Scope and content
Escritura de empréstimo de dinheiro a juro de 5 % que fez o Pe. Francisco Martins, sindico do Convento de Sto. António, a João Martins Pereira, da quantia de 100.000 réis. Treslado do original de 9 de dezembro de 1823.
Physical location
CVSACMR, Cx.01, mç.07, doc.18
Language of the material
Creation date
5/20/2013 9:33:39 AM
Last modification
1/20/2014 2:46:37 PM