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You searched by "rodrigues" and 10073 results were found. Page 49 of 1008.

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    Inventariada: Maria Gomes, viúva de Brás Carrilho Franco Inventariante: Crispim dos Santos Serrano Local: Castelo de Vide
    Dates 1784 - 1784
    Complete reference PT/ADPTG/JUD/TCCVD/A/002/00603
    Physical location Cx.45
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    Inventariada: Catarina Vaz Manso Inventariante: Manuel Gomes Borba Local: Castelo de Vide Ano: 1779 Inventariado: Manuel Gomes Borba, escarduçador Inventariante: Vicente Borba Local: Castelo d ...
    Dates 1779 - 1781
    Complete reference PT/ADPTG/JUD/TCCVD/A/002/00604
    Physical location Cx.45
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    Inventariada: Isabel Maria de Sequeira, viúva de João Rodrigues Inventariante: João Rodrigues de Sequeira Local: Castelo de Vide
    Dates 1779 - 1779
    Complete reference PT/ADPTG/JUD/TCCVD/A/002/00611
    Physical location Cx.45
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    Inventariado: João Martins, soldado aposentado Inventariante: Manuel Martins Bispo Local: Castelo de Vide
    Dates 1775 - 1775
    Complete reference PT/ADPTG/JUD/TCCVD/A/002/00613
    Physical location Cx.45
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    Inventariado: José da Costa e Matos, capitão de infantaria do Regimento da Praça de Castelo de Vide Inventariante: Rosa Maria Local: Castelo de Vide, Rua da Carreira de Baixo
    Dates 1765 - 1765
    Complete reference PT/ADPTG/JUD/TCCVD/A/002/00634
    Physical location Cx.47
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    Inventariada: Violante Carrilho Inventariante: Manuel Rodrigues Carrilho Local: Póvoa e Meadas
    Dates 1771 - 1771
    Complete reference PT/ADPTG/JUD/TCCVD/A/002/00636
    Physical location Cx.47
  • File
    Inventariado: Manuel Lopes Pastor Inventariante: Ana Rodrigues Local: Castelo de Vide, Rua da Costa
    Dates 1778 - 1778
    Complete reference PT/ADPTG/JUD/TCCVD/A/002/00710
    Physical location Cx.53
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    Inventariado: Francisco Rodrigues Inventariante: Estêvão Gonçalves Calado Local: Póvoa e Meadas, Rua do Egipto
    Dates 1778 - 1778
    Complete reference PT/ADPTG/JUD/TCCVD/A/002/00732
    Physical location Cx.55
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    Inventariado: João Rodrigues Roxo, ganhão Inventariante: Ana Teresa Local: Castelo de Vide, Aldeia
    Dates 1809 - 1809
    Complete reference PT/ADPTG/JUD/TCCVD/A/002/00737
    Physical location Cx.55
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    Inventariada: Maria Pires, viúva de Domingos Gonçalves Barbancho, pastor Inventariante: João Rodrigues Mocito, pastor Local: Castelo de Vide, Castelo
    Dates 1809 - 1809
    Complete reference PT/ADPTG/JUD/TCCVD/A/002/00740
    Physical location Cx.56